Together we help rural Chinese students receive quality education
Event: Shanghai Symposium, March 17th, 2016
Total Raised: USD 24,000+
Beneficiary: Jiangju Primary School
CellMark is proud to support the PaperSeed Foundation new project in China, aimed at strengthening education for children in rural areas, and matched the funds donated by Hawkins Wright & Brian McClay & Associates on behalf of every conference attendee at the Shanghai Symposium.
The event was very successful, starting with a speech from PaperSeed’s Executive Director, Aliyya Shelley Mattos. Mrs. Mattos, along with a group of volunteers from CellMark Shanghai’s office, sold puzzle pieces to complete a picture of a Chinese child, signifying the total cost of the project, for 200 RMB each.
Attendees’ contributions, and a sizeable anonymous donation, coupled with the support from CellMark and Hawkins Wright & Brian McClay & Associates, were such that the PaperSeed foundation raised just slightly under their goal of $25,000.
Project Goals:
In partnership with the China Youth Development Foundation, provide a new library and computer lab to a rural school in Western China, enabling students to achieve literacy and build vital 21st century skills.
While students in urban parts of China boast some of the highest reading and math scores in the world, their rural counterparts are being left behind. This is due in large part to lack of funding, which leaves essential school facilities like libraries and computer labs lacking, resulting in a high illiteracy rate and lack of opportunity for students once they leave school. Projects like these ensure that students in rural areas get the education and opportunities they deserve.
So once again a special thanks to all generous support which helped the project reach their fundraising goal!
Please check PaperSeed’s updates on the progress of this project