Code of Conduct
In line with our Guiding Principles, CellMark recognizes its responsibility to perform its services and business activities with a high degree of ethics.
CellMark Code of Conduct
CellMark has implemented a Code of Conduct that sets out the standards according to which all employees are expected to act. These standards are the foundation for CellMark’s success: what we do and how we do it is key for surpassing expectations.
While our vision and goals provide us with clear guidance on how to maintain our success in global trade, our Guiding Principles and the Code of Conduct keep us focused on how we should perform our daily business activities.

Code of Conduct for Business Partners
CellMark’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners sets out the standards that its Business Partners are expected to follow during their business relationship with the Group.
The principles in this Code are based on these internationally recognized principles, including:
- the UN Global Compact Initiative,
- internationally proclaimed human rights standards and conventions,
- the OECD Convention on combating bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and
- the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Code of Conduct for business partners