The Artist Who Came in From the Cold

Our Annual Report is here. Get an overview of our performance, read about our division’s marketing highlights, our community support and learn how we every morning face a new day to meet the challenges of a changing world in order to surpass expectations!

Also this year we continue the tradition of having an artist featuring the report. The 2017 report is designed by the street artist Jonathan “Ollio” Josefsson.

Read, download or order our report here!




About the Artist

Although Jonathan Josefsson started his artistic career as a street artist, calling him a graffiti artist is like saying da Vinci was skilled at drawing helicopters! Graffiti is just the tip of Jonathan’s creative iceberg; he is accomplished in so many other areas.

Jonathan studied textile design at the Academy of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden, and became adept at hand-tufted rugs, adding yet another technique to his palette of artistic expression: spray, paint, laser cutting, drawing and print.

Jonathan has a very personal style; an organic, pulsating microbe world, easily recognizable in the often same, same but not so differ-ent world of street art.

He has managed to lift his anarchistic art form from the edgy world of the street into the established art forum, without losing his integrity or playfulness.

He is represented in museums and private collections in Sweden and the rest of the world.

Find out more about Jonathan and his artwork here.



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