CellMark at PPI Transport Symposium 2019

Recently, Glenn Schicker (NorCell), Michelle Staples (CellMark Packaging Novato), Aliyya Shelley Mattos (PaperSeed Foundation) and Bjorn Skorsdal (CellMark Logistics Gothenburg) joined the PPI Transport Symposium held in Tarragona, Spain.

Organized by the International Forest Products Transport Association (IFPTA), PPI Transport Symposium is the longest-running conference and exhibition dedicated to the global forest products logistics industry. Global professionals from across the forest products transport and logistics supply chain joined panel discussions on the main stage to offer attendees key market insight into the latest trends and challenges facing the industry.

Panel topics included:

  • Carrier regulations: How will carriers adapt to IMO 2020 sulpher regulations?
  • Managing fleets: Are existing carriers opening themselves up to competition?
  • China shaping global pulp demand and the impact of the RCP import ban
  • The rail link between Europe and China and its use in pulp and paper trade
  • Digitalisation and innovations within the supply chain
woman speaking on stage

One of the speakers was Aliyya Shelley Mattos. Here she’s presenting the very important work of the PaperSeed Foundation (with great success and good reception among the audience, as always).

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